Xbox Store: i Deals With Gold di questa settimana

Microsoft ha annunciato i nuovi sconti della settimana su Xbox Games Store per gli utenti Xbox One eXbox 360Offerte valide fino al 7 Marzo.

Xbox One

  • Crimsonland Xbox One Game 33% DWG
  • Pool Nation FX Xbox One Game 40% DWG
  • Pool Nation FX – Stack of Coins – 1,250,000 PN$ Add-On 33% DWG
  • Rainbow Six Siege 1200 Credits Pack Add-On 10% DWG
  • Rainbow Six Siege 2670 Credits Pack Add-On 15% DWG
  • Rainbow Six Siege 4920 Credits Pack Add-On 20% DWG
  • Rainbow Six Siege 7560 Credits Pack Add-On 30% DWG
  • Star Wars Battlefront Deluxe Edition Xbox One Game 50% DWG
  • Star Wars Battlefront Standard Edition Xbox One Game 50% DWG
  • Star Wars Battlefront Ultimate Edition Xbox One Game 35% DWG
  • Starpoint Gemini 2 Xbox One Game 33% DWG
  • This War of Mine: The Little Ones Xbox One Game 10% DWG

Offerte valide anche per gli utenti Silver:

  • Gold Crew Credit Pack for The Crew Add-On 30% Spotlight
  • Platinum Crew Credit Pack for The Crew Add-On 40% Spotlight

Xbox 360

  • Ace Combat Assault Horizon Games On Demand 75% DWG
  • Beautiful Katamari Games On Demand 75% DWG
  • Enslaved Games On Demand 75% DWG
  • Galaga Legions DX Arcade 70% DWG
  • MXGP – The Official Motocross Videogame Games On Demand 50% DWG
  • Pac-Man & the Ghostly Adventures Games On Demand 80% DWG
  • Supreme Commander 2 Infinite War Map Pack Add-On 50% DWG

RocketSimoon Articoli
Appassionato di film e videogiochi da quando c'erano ancora videocassette e floppy disk, da meno tempo anche di serie tv. Sono curioso per natura e per questo non specializzato in un unico genere, ma tendo a preferire horror, thriller e azione.

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